Compile Build

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Compile & Build


Pointer2.png How to build applications from command line Pointer.png

This is the list of command line arguments. For compiling or building applications, see -b and -m switch

-b, -B Compile and save the application as an executable file.

Example: -b myapp.exe

The second name is optional; if omitted, the output file has the root name of the input file with an *.EXE extension. If you do not specify a complete path, SQLWindows puts the output file in the current working directory.

-m, -M Generate a dynalib (.APD) and exit.

Example: -m myapp.apt myapp.apd

The second name is optional. The name of the input file with an optional path. If you do not specify a complete path, SQLWindows puts the output file in the current working directory.

-c, -C Save an *.APT application as a normal (binary) file and exit.

This switch takes only one argument: the name of the input file with an optional path. SQLWindows ignores any other arguments. If you do not specify a complete path, SQLWindows puts the output file in the current working directory.

-e -E Start SQLWindows in debug mode.

When you exit the application, SQLWindows exits (contrast this behavior with the -r switch). This switch takes as arguments the name of the application followed by any optional parameters you want to pass to the application.

-i, -I Edit an include library.

Example: -I mylib.apl

-r, -R Start SQLWindows in debug mode.

When you exit the application, SQLWindows continues to run (contrast this behavior with the -e switch). This switch takes as arguments the name of the application followed by any optional parameters you want to pass to the application.

-x, -X Exit Windows when done.

Example: -bx myapp.apt<b>