DateTime datatype
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Assign values to DateTime variables
A DateTime variable can be assigned to a specific fixed date/time in these ways:
Construct a Date/Time using SalDateConstruct
! Set birthdate to 2nd of May 1970, at 12 midnight Set dtBirthDate = SalDateConstruct( 1970, 05, 02, 0, 0, 0 )
Specify the value in the TD DateTime format structure
(dont use any quotes, only the YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.MMMMMM value)
! Set birthdate to 2nd of May 1970, at 12 midnight Set dtBirthDate = 1970-05-02-
How to strip elements from a DateTime
The next function is able to strip certain parts from a DateTime.
So with this it is possible to construct a new DateTime value with only the wanted elements.
Milliseconds are always stripped.
Function: PALDateConstruct Returns Date/Time: Parameters Date/Time: pdtDateTime Boolean: pbYearMonthDays Boolean: pbHoursMinutes Boolean: pbSeconds Local variables Number: nYear Number: nMonth Number: nDay Number: nHour Number: nMinute Number: nSecond Actions If pbYearMonthDays Set nYear = SalDateYear( pdtDateTime ) Set nMonth = SalDateMonth( pdtDateTime ) Set nDay = SalDateDay( pdtDateTime ) If pbHoursMinutes Set nHour = SalDateHour( pdtDateTime ) Set nMinute = SalDateMinute( pdtDateTime ) If pbSeconds Set nSecond = SalDateSecond( pdtDateTime ) Return SalDateConstruct( nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond )
So to strip of the seconds from the current DateTime
dtTodayNoSeconds = PALDateConstruct( SalDateCurrent( ), TRUE, TRUE, FALSE )
DateTime calculations
It is possible to use simple calculations on DateTime variables which are quite useful.
The calculations take the month length into account. Also leap years.
Add or subtract
You can use + and - to add or subtract values to DateTime variables.
You can add/subtract in days. So adding 1 to a DateTime will add one day.
Set dtDateToday = SalDateCurrent( ) Set dtDateEnd = dtDateToday + 1
Direct value assignments having a calculation is also possible:
Set dtOneYearlater = 1970-05-02- + 365
But also fractions of one day can be used. For instance, subtract one and a half day (=1 days and 12 hours):
Set dtDateToday = SalDateCurrent( ) Set dtDateStart = dtDateToday - 1.5
Write the fractions so it is clear what you are actually calculating.
A day has 24 hours, 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minute.
For instance, add one hour to a date:
Set dtDateToday = SalDateCurrent( ) Set dtDateEnd = dtDateToday + ( 1/24 )
This way you can add and subtract up to seconds when using the correct fractions.
Calculate difference between dates
When subtracting one DateTime variable from another, the result is the difference between them in days.
It is fractional, so the result can be on seconds precision.
! Set birthdate to 2nd of May 1970 Set dtBirthDate = SalDateConstruct( 1970, 05, 02, 0, 0, 0 ) ! Calculate the days between birth and now Set nDaysBetween = SalDateCurrent( ) - dtBirthDate ! Calculate how many years old, divide by 365 Set nYearsBetween = nDaysBetween / 365
Compare DateTime
Using < > and = you can compare dates
If dtCheckDate > dtBirthDate
Beware that DateTime variables can have hours/minutes and seconds.
So comparing Today with a date will fail in this case:
If dtCheckDate > SalDateCurrent( )
Even if dtCheckdate is today, because SalDateCurrent returns a dateTime having hour/minute/seconds part.
To compare like this, you have to strip the DateTime to get a date.
(See other article here in this section)