MTable & MImage
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MTable information and download
For information on MTable, go the the official MTable webpage: Micsto homepage
There you will find the online documentation and download link.
You can also download it (several versions) from the Sample Vault:
MTable downloads
MImage information and download
For information on MImage, go the the official MImage webpage: Micsto homepage
There you will find the online documentation and download link.
You can also download it (several versions) from the Sample Vault:
MImage downloads
MTable: How to remove the checkbox from a cell
This tip applies to MTable versions prior to 1.9.5.
Starting from MTable 1.9.5, you can hide checkbox cells using:
(See MTable documentation for that version).
When you have a checkbox-style column and want to be able to show or hide the checkbox
for certain cells (see screenshot above), this solution can be used :
Owner-draw the cell for which the checkbox should be removed. It is not actually removed, but visually overpainted
so it seems the checkbox is removed.
Follow these steps :
- Disable the cell by using this function : MTblDisableCell
- Set the cell to be owner-drawn using MTblSetOwnerDrawnItem
- Define the message On MTM_DrawItem under Message Actions of the Table
- Call a function in the message to overpaint the cell using the background color of the table.
- See MTable help for info on the function mentioned
Below a sample. Three rows are inserted into the table (column type is checkbox), the second row will be visually hidden.
(See screenshot for the result of this sample).
Child Table: tblCheck Contents Column: colCheck Functions Function: DrawEmptyCell Parameters Number: pnOwnerdrawnItemID Local variables fcMTblODI: odi Number: nBrush Number: nOldBrush Actions If MTblGetOwnerDrawnItem( hWndForm, pnOwnerdrawnItemID, odi ) If odi.Type = MTBL_ODI_CELL Set nBrush = CreateSolidBrush( SalColorGet( hWndForm, COLOR_IndexWindow ) ) Set nOldBrush = SelectObject( odi.DC, nBrush ) Call FillRect( odi.DC, odi.Left, odi.Top, odi.Right, odi.Bottom, nBrush ) Call SelectObject( odi.DC, nOldBrush ) Call DeleteObject( nBrush ) Function: PopulateTable Local variables Number: nRow Actions Call SalTblReset( hWndForm ) Set nRow = SalTblInsertRow( hWndForm, TBL_MaxRow ) If nRow > -1 Call SalTblSetContext( hWndForm, nRow ) Set colCheck = "1" Set nRow = SalTblInsertRow( hWndForm, TBL_MaxRow ) If nRow > -1 Call MTblDisableCell( colCheck, nRow, TRUE ) Call MTblSetOwnerDrawnItem( colCheck, nRow, MTBL_ODI_CELL, TRUE ) Set nRow = SalTblInsertRow( hWndForm, TBL_MaxRow ) If nRow > -1 Call SalTblSetContext( hWndForm, nRow ) Set colCheck = "1" Message Actions On SAM_Create Call MTblSubClass( hWndForm ) Call PopulateTable( ) On MTM_DrawItem Call DrawEmptyCell( lParam )